Wednesday 14 December 2011

Will we ever agree on cutting emissions?

So, another climate conference is over and still we are no closer to achieving a successful and viable framework for reducing global carbon emissions. Durban seeked to succeed where Cancun, Kyoto and every other climate convention had failed. Apparently they have drawn up a legally binding deal which will enforce the reduction of carbon emissions in both developed and developing countries, however the deal still has to be agreed and wont come into effect until at least 2020.  The fine details of the deal, for example by how much each country has to cut its emissions, has not yet been decided…..
For the first time ever, China has agreed to be legally binded into cutting its carbon emissions, if this is successful then the total global emissions will be significantly reduced.  However with so few details the deal is unlikely to succeed. One of the largest outcomes of the conference was that Canada withdrew from the only legal treaty committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions- The Kyoto protocol.  The reasons for their withdrawal are thought to be that they are way off meeting their emissions targets, as in fact their emissions have actually risen.  In order to rectify this they would have to pay billions of dollars in carbon credits yet there would be no effect on the environment.  I think this shows that these legally binding deals are always going to have problems and no one will ever truly agree.  Carbon credits do little to actually help the environment as rich countries will just by credits and continue to pollute.  The fact that countries can pull out if they think they won’t meet their targets makes a mockery of the whole thing. 
Will we ever agree on how to combat climate change? For the health of our oceans I hope so, but somehow I very much doubt it.
Several weeks ago I posted an article which was very sceptical about ocean acidification.  After spending the last term writing this blog and researching ocean acidification, I will now attempt to explore some of their claims and see if there is any truth behind them.

One of their main claims was that ocean biodiversity will flourish under increasingly acidic conditions.  Whilst the last post I wrote suggested that some species of mussel and lobster will be able to survive in acidic oceans there has been no conclusive evidence to suggest that biodiversity will actually prosper.  In fact if you try searching species that will thrive in acidic waters in Google or Web of Science you get very few useful returns. However, if you search species which are threatened by acidifying waters the literature is vast.  As I have said previously, the species most at threat are those which calcify, due to dissolution and a shoaling of the carbonate and aragonite saturation horizon.  These species are often low down in the food chain, and so if they go extinct their predators will also be affected.  The evidence for dissolution is abundant, not only from scientific experiments but also just by looking at some of the world’s coral reefs. I posted this image before which shows how rapidly a shell can deform in acidic water. 

This cartoon shows the deformation of a shell in an acidic ocean over a period of 45 days (NAOO).

Anthony et al. (2011) created a model to see how ocean acidification affected the resilience of coral reefs.  Their main findings were that reefs which suffer from overfishing and eutrophication were more vulnerable to acidic waters.  They also found that as CO2 levels rise, the resilience and growth rates of coral reefs will fall and mortality will increase.  The Great Barrier Reef has seen a rapid reduction in calcification rates and growth of large corals (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2009).  Hoegh-Guldberg (2009) has also shown that ocean acidification not only reduced the productivity of corals but also made them more sensitive to bleaching.  More recent work by Kurihara et al. (2008) and Mayor et al. (2007) has shown that ocean acidification reduces egg production in marine shrimps and also causes an increase in unsuccessful hatchings in copepods.  Earlier on in this blog I also pointed out larger marine animals were being affected by ocean acidification.  Whale numbers are falling due to an increase in ‘noise’ in acidic waters, which makes communication and navigation trickier.  Clown fish are losing their sense of smell, due to the acidic conditions, which means that they can’t smell their habitats. 
I believe that we cannot deny the fact that ocean acidification is having a detrimental impact on marine organisms.  The effects are most widely felt by calcifying organisms yet larger marine mammals such as Whales are not out of harm’s way.  Caution needs to be given and some people probably over emphasise the effects of ocean acidification, as it is evident that some species can prosper in acidic waters. However, if their prey cannot adapt and goes extinct then they will die too, whether they are adapted to acidification or not.  More work needs to be done to assess the impact of rising CO2 levels on a wider range of species to see how many other species have been able to adapt.  A significant proportion of ocean species will be affected by ocean acidification but it cannot be claimed that every species will be negatively affected.  Similarly, at the moment the evidence is too large to suggest that creatures are unscathed from rising carbon dioxide levels.

Anthony, K, Maynard, J. Diaz-Pulido, G. Mumby, P. Marshalls, P. Cao, L. (2011). ‘Ocean acidification and warming will lower coral reef resilience’, Global change biology, 17, 1798-1808.
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2009). ‘Climate change and coral reefs: Trojan horse or false prophecy?’, Coral Reefs, 28, 3, 569-575.
Kurihara, H. Matsui, M. Furukawa, H. Hayashi, M. Ishimatsu, A. (2008). ‘Long-term effects of predicted future seawater CO2 conditions on the survival and growth of the marine shrimp Palaemon pacificus’, J Exp Mar Biol Ecol , 367:41–46.
Mayor, D. Matthews, C. Cook, K. Zuur, A. Hay, S. (2007). ‘CO2-induced acidification affects hatching success in Calanus finmarchicus’, Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 350:91–97.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Attack of the giant lobster?

In an attempt to brighten up an otherwise gloomy blog i have found 2 articles which suggest that some marine species are able to thrive in acidic oceans.  The first article: 
has found that lobsters, shrimp and crabs are much larger if they grow in acidic waters.  Good news for fish restaurants!

A small lobster is pictured at left, next to a larger lobster at right.

The second article:
has found a species of mussel which has survived for 40 years along the sides of a submarine volcano, in exceptionally acidic conditions.  They survived in a pH as low as 5.3 (considered to be too acidic for calcifying organisms).  These mussels are able to survive with shells that are half as thick as mussels which live in less acidic waters, proving that adaptations are possible.  These mussels are now thriving as they can survive where many of their predators and competitors cant.

I thought that these two articles were quite interesting and show that there are species which can adapt and thrive, even in acidic waters.  Maybe the future of our oceans isnt as bad as first feared....

Monday 5 December 2011

Can we do anything to reverse ocean acidification?

Up until now I have spent quite a lot of time looking at what is going on in our oceans and what is likely to happen in the future. The picture hasn’t been too rosy so far, but now I will see if there is anything we can do to combat ocean acidification or if we are just destined to disaster.  Iron fertilisation has been put forward as one of the main mechanisms that could help to reverse the acidifying trend.  Ice cores show that during past glacials iron fertilisation has occurred naturally (for example, dust storms coming from the Sahara towards the Canary islands) and has caused large amounts of CO2 to be drawn out of the atmosphere (Lampitt et al. 2008). Put simply, it is thought that by adding iron to high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas of the ocean it will stimulate the growth of phytoplankton blooms which will take up large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide and eventually deposit it into the ocean sediments (Cao and Caldeira, 2010).  There has been quite a large amount of speculation as to whether iron fertilisation will actually cause a reduction in atmospheric and oceanic carbon dioxide levels and several experiments have been run, each reaching different conclusions.  Martin was the first to propose the idea of iron fertilisation and he proposed that 1 ton of carbon added to a HNLC region could cause the sequestration of up to 100,000 tonnes of carbon. More recent, high resolution studies have suggested that iron fertilisation is far less efficient and would only result in a 10ppm reduction in atmospheric CO2 (Lampitt et al. 2008).  The drop in carbon dioxide is only really found in the surface waters and doesn't extend deeper than about 70m (Cao and Caldeira, 2010).  Cao and Caldeira (2010) also found that even if iron fertilisation was successful by the end of the century it would only reduce the pH change by 0.06.  It is thought that iron fertilisation could produce carbon credits which would be doubly bad news for our oceans as not only would the iron do little to prevent the oceans from becoming acidic, countries would be allowed to increase their carbon dioxide emissions. Many private sector companies are already planning to enrich the ocean in order to gain carbon credits, the moderating of such activities is very difficult, especially away from territorial waters.  There are also several ecological impacts that need to be considered, it is probable that there would be an increase in harmful algae which could cause environments to become toxic.  Microbial shifts could also result in the production of other greenhouse gases such as DMS and methane, both of which are far more potent than carbon dioxide.  Due to monitoring difficulties it is also hard to know if plankton blooms could cause the carbon dioxide to be taken into the deep ocean and sediments.  Iron fertilisation initially sounds like a good idea and some believe that it could cause a large reduction in atmospheric CO2. There are wide scale ecological effects that could result And the actual reductions in ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels are very low.  More work needs to be done to work out the potential side effects of iron fertilisation and to develop a greater understanding of the movement of carbon dioxide to the ocean sediments.


Cao, L. Caldeira, K. (2010). ‘Can ocean iron fertilization mitigate ocean acidification?’, Climatic change, 99, 1-2, 303-311.
Lampitt, R. Achterberg, E. Anderson, T. Hughes, J. Lucas, M. Popova, E. (2008). ‘Ocean fertilisation; a potential means of geoengineering’, Philosophical transactions of the royal society A, 366, 1882, 3919-3945.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Protecting our oceans.

people are starting to realise that our oceans are in a bad way. this website has a nice interactive map that shows how much of our oceans are currently protected (<0.8%!!) least it's a start.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Did ocean acidification cause the world's largest mass extinction? (Permian-triassic boundary)

This week I am going to look back at the biggest extinction event in the history of the earth and see if ocean acidification played a significant role.  If it did, it intensifies the need for a rapid response to the current crisis.  The PTB occurred 251.4myaBP and saw the loss of over 90% of all marine species, it was also the only extinction event which caused the widespread loss of insects (Bowring et al. 1998, Erwiin, 1994).  Volcanic eruptions and ocean anoxia were both dominant during the PTB and both have been put forward as a possible cause.  Montenegro et al. (2011) have recently created a model to try and assess the role of ocean acidification in the PTB mass extinctions.  The article deduces that the high levels of carbon dioxide during the PTB are enough to make the oceans acidic and undersaturated in aragonite.  This is thought to have been biologically significant and caused widespread coral loss.  More work needs to be done in order to further assess the role of ocean acidification in the PTB mass extinction as the Monetnergo et al. (2011) model is the first to include an accurate portrayal of ocean circulation and seafloor bathymetry.  As ocean acidification is likely to have played a key role in the greatest mass extinction ever, it could suggest that we are on the brink of a 6th mass extinction, the effects of which could be catastrophic. 

Bowring, S. Erwin, D. Jin, Y. Martin, M. Davidek, K. Wang, W. (1998). ‘U/pb zircon geochronology and tempo of the end-Permian mass extinction’, Science, 280, 1039–1045.
Erwin, D. (1994). ‘The Permo-Triassic extinction’, Nature, 367, 231–235
Monetnergo, A. Spence, P. Meissner, K. Eby, M. (2011). ‘climate simulations of the Permian-traissic boundary: ocean acidification and the extinction event’, Paeleoceanography, 26, 3.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The future of our oceans

Ocean pH is expected to drop by about 0.4 by the end of the century resulting in a 60% fall in calcium carbonate levels.  To prevent our oceans becoming undersaturated in aragonite it is believed that we shouldn’t let the pH drop by any more than 0.2 units in comparison with the pre industrial levels.  The change in ocean pH is almost entirely dependent on atmospheric COs levels, if they continue to increase, the oceans will continue to acidify.  It will be hard to reverse the acidifying trend by the end of the century as ocean chemistry works on much much larger timescales (Raven et al. 2005).  The figure below shows that with all scenarios of atmospheric CO2 levels ocean pH falls, if the projected CO2 levels reach around 950ppm then the ocean pH will fall to about 7.75 and the southern ocean will only be about 70% saturated in aragonite.  If the pH falls this low, it will result in a tripling in the number of H+ ions since the industrial revolution.  This rate of change is faster than anything seen over the last few hundred thousand years and at least 100 times higher than anything seen since then (Raven et al. 2005). 
 Figure 1.  Atmospheric CO2 concentrations, global ocean pH and the surface saturation state of aragonite for IPCC emission scenarios for 2000-2100. (IPCC, 2007).

IPCC (2007). ‘Climate change 2007: the physical science basis.
Raven , J. Caldeira, K. ELderfield, H. Hoehg-Guldberg, O. Liss, P. Riebesell, U. Shepherd, J. Turley, C. Watson, A. (2005). ‘Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide’, The Royal Society: London. 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

This interactive link nicely shows how aragonite concentrations have changed globally and also how this is effecting certain marine species.  The dark orange colours in the Arctic are quite scary as it shows just how much aragonite is thought to have been lost between 1865 and 2095, with some areas seeing a decrease of up to 75%.  I think the impact that ocean acidification is having on Whales and Clown fish is quite surprising, and unlike most other marine animals it is not caused by a reduction in aragonite and calcium carbonate.  Acidic oceans are more 'noisy' as sound can travel further, this is what is causing Whale numbers to fall as they cant communicate or navigate as easily.  The problem for clown fish is that the acidifying oceans are affecting their ability to smell the particular species of anemone that they use as a habitat.  If the pH of oceans continues to fall it is likely that they (and other fish species) will lose their sense of smell altogether.  This proves that ocean acidification is having a more devestating impact on ocean ecosystems than you would initially think.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

How effective are boron isotopes in reconstructing past ocean pH?

Pagani et al. (2005) deduced that the boron isotope technique needs to be greatly improved in order to accurately reconstruct long term changes in ocean pH.   The boron isotope pH model assumes that the boron isotopic composition of carbonates is the same as that of the boron isotopic concentration borate in solution.   An accurate and precise isotopic fractionation index is required in order to see how pH affects the boron isotopic composition of borate.  There is much uncertainty surrounding the value used for the isotope fractionation index, theoretically the value should be 0.981 but research suggests that a value of 0.974 should be used instead (Kakihana et al. 1977).  Small changes in this isotopic fractionation index cause large changes in the resulting pH and so, future work needs to focus on determining the correct value so that more accurate and realistic ocean pH’s can be reconstructed.  Kasemann et al. (2009) believe that even when a more robust fractionation index is used there are still some reconstructions of cenezoic ocean pH which are too high.  This could be caused by the assumptions of the foraminiferal vital effects in dissolved organic carbon.  It has also been proposed that there is much difficulty in determining the boron isotope compositions of materials and many different values can be obtained from the same sample depending on the analytical techniques that have been used.  Respiration and photosynthesis are thought to alter the pH in the calcifying part of marine organisms which can alter the boron isotopic composition of the carbonate, resulting in a reconstructed pH value which is not a true representation of the ocean pH at the time (Rink et al. 1998).  It is also believed that post depositional dissolution can alter the boron isotope composition, resulting in inaccurate reconstructions (Kasemann et al. 2009).  Despite these problems, Boron isotopes are still a very effective method for reconstructing ocean acidity but improvements are required in order to improve the accuracy of results, especially over long timescales.

Kakihana, M. Kotaka, S. Satoh, M. Nomura, M. Okamoto, M. (1977). ‘Fundamental studies on the ion-exchange separation of boron isotopes’, Bull. Chem. Soc. J., 50, 158-163.
Kasemann, S. Schmidt, D. Bijma, J. Foster, G. (2009). ‘In situ boron isotope analysis in marine carbonates and its application for foraminifera and palaeo-pH’, Chemical Geology, 260, 1-2, 138-147.
Pagani, M. Lemarchand, D. Spivack, A. Gaillardet, J. (2005). ‘A critical evaluation of the boron isotope-pH proxy: the accuracy of ancient pH estimates’, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69, 4, 953-961.
Rink, S.  Kuhl, M. Bijma, J. Spero, H. (1998). ‘Microsensor studies of photosynthesis and respiration in the symbiotic foraminifer Orbulina universa’, Marine Biology, 131, 4, 583-595.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Recontructing ocean pH using Coral

δ11B levels preserved in coral skeletons can be used to look at recent changes in ocean pH.  Boron isotopes occur as either Borate ion or Boric acid, the levels of which are affected by ocean pH (Wei et al. 2009).  Borate ions are exclusively incorporated into marine carbonate, whilst Boric acid is not involved.  This means that the relative abundance of Borate ion is controlled by the pH of the seawater at the time of calcification (Vengosh et al. 1991).  Wei et al. (2009) looked at 200 years worth of δ11B data (with a precision of +- 0.02 pH) and deduced that between 1940 and 1998 the Great Barrier Reef saw multiple fluctuations in δ11B which correspond to changes of 0.5pH.


Vangosh, A. Starinsky, A. Chivas, A. McCulloch, M. (1991). ‘coprecipitation and isotopic fractionation of boron in modern biogenic carbonates’, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 55, 2901-2910.
Wei, G. McCulloch, M. Mortimer, G. Deng, W. Xie, L. (2009).  ‘Evidence for ocean acidification in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia’, Geochim. Chosmochim. Acta. 73, 2332-2346.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Why is ocean acidification a problem?

Why should we be concerned about ocean acidification?  Well, one of the main threats is that ocean acidification will cause wide spread extinctions of ocean fauna.  This will then have consequences that will work up the food chain and could potentially be catastrophic.  The rate of change of ocean pH is particularly problematic as it means that many organisms (especially those which calcify) will not have enough time to adapt (Guinotte and Fabry, 2008).  The increase of carbon dioxide into the oceans causes an increase in H+ and a decrease in CO2-3 which in turn causes a fall in the calcium carbonate saturation state.  Fewer CO2-3 will make it harder for calcifying organisms to make calcium carbonate.  Biogenic calcium carbonate is required by a huge amount of marine organisms- most notably the majority of coral species, foraminifera and coccolithopores.  Calcite and Aragonite are also used by calcifying organisms and the abundance of both is influenced by CO2 levels.  The positions of the calcite and aragonite saturation zones are crucial as CaCO3 precipitation can only occur above this horizon and below it dissolution will occur (Guinotte and Fabry, 2008).  As oceans acidify the horizons are moving towards the surface, with those of the North Pacific shoaling at a rate of 1-2m/year (Feely, 2007).   Orr et al. (2005) predict that the surface waters of the southern ocean will become undersaturated in Aragonite by 2050 and by 2100 this could include the subarctic pacific as well as the whole of the southern ocean.  Calcifying organisms appear to be incapable of maintaining their shells and skeletons when the oceans are undersaturated in aragonite.  Once the organisms exist below the aragonite/calcite saturation horizon dissolution occurs and so, they become deformed (Fabry et al. 2008).
This cartoon shows the deformation of a shell in an acidic ocean over a period of 45 days (NAOO).

A reduction in calcification and increase in dissolution is not the only detrimental influence that ocean acidification will have on these creatures; ion capacity, buffering capability; acid base regulation and metabolism are all also affected (See Fabry et al. 2008).  In my next post I will take a closer look at how the earth’s coral reefs are responding to these changes in calcite, aragonite and biogenic CaCO3 levels.

Fabry, V. Seibel, B. Feely, R. Orr, J, (2008). ‘Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes’, ICES journal of marine science, 65, 414-432.
Guinotte, J. Fabry, V. (2008). ‘Ocean acidification and its potential effects on marine ecosystems’, Annals of the new york academy of sciences, 1134, 320-342.
Orr, J. Fabry, V. Aumont, O. Bopp, L. Doney, S. Feely, R. et al. (2005). ‘anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty first century and its impact on calcifying organisms’, Nature, 437, 681-686.

Monday 24 October 2011

Ocean Acidification Sceptics

There will always be sceptics when large theories such as global warming are concerned and i have just found this article which suggest that ocean acidification is all one big myth.
They claim that our carbon emissions can’t cause ocean acidification because during the Cambrian and Jurassic eras the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide were far higher than they are today, yet it was during these times that coral first performed algal symbiosis and the formation of aragonite corals occurred.  Their second claim is that because the oceans contain 70% of CO2 the increased levels of atmospheric CO2 will not be enough to affect the oceans acid-base balance. They also claim that because the oceans are underlain by such vast quantities of alkaline rock, ocean acidification is not possible.   The report is quite lengthy but proves to be quite an interesting (and slightly entertaining) read.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

This article says that improving the health of our oceans should be one of our top priorities over the next few years!

Natural trend or Anthropogenic change?

This blog post will explore some of the past changes in ocean pH to try and evaluate whether the current change is part of a natural trend or solely anthropogenic.  It is, however, hard to compare current CO2 induced changes with those of the distant past because of continental drift, changes in the elevation and orientation of the continents and the location of mountains.  All of which alter the oceanic and atmospheric circulations (Goodwin et al. 2009). 
It is widely believed that the ocean is currently more acidic than it has been at anytime over the last 2my and δ11B levels show that the predicted pH for 2100 has not been experienced since about 40mya (Pelejero et al. 2010).  Around 55mya, during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, there was a significant ocean acidification event.  There was a huge carbon input into the ocean, causing a 2km shift of the calcite saturation horizon towards the surface in less than 2ky (Doney et al. 2009).  The effects of which were catastrophic.  For a full review there is an excellent article by Zachos et al. (2008).  There were two epochs during the Cenezoic era which are thought to have seen extensive ocean acidification however, δ11B levels have not yet been able to quantify this.
During the Cretaceous CO2 levels were extremely high (up to 2000ppm) and it is believed that 100mya ocean pH was around 0.8 units lower than present (Kump et al. 2009).  Diatoms survived the event but calcified species were generally wiped out (Pelejero et al. 2010).  The early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic event happened around 120mya, a series of major eruptions along the Java plateau were thought to release enough CO2 to cause a 2km shoaling of the calcite saturation zone.  This coincided with the demise of the nanoconids which were one of the most dominant species of the time and were heavily calcified (Kump et al. 2009).
Carbon isotopes suggest that there was a substantial decrease in ocean pH at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (Hautmann et al. 2008).   Extensive volcanism was thought to release large amounts of CO2, resulting in a temperature increase which initiated the release of further CO2 from marine sediments (Palfy, 2003).  The CO2 levels were high enough to inhibit the precipitation of CaCO3 resulting in a subsaturated and acidified ocean (Hautmann et al. 2008).  Calacerous phytoplankton suffered very badly, whereas phytoplankton with organic walls actually benefitted from the acidic conditions (Van de Schootbrugge et al. 2007). 
A major ocean acidification event was thought to have occurred during the “super-greenhouse” state which followed the late Neoproterozoic and models have estimated that the pH could have fallen below 6.0 (Le Hir et al. 2008).  However, it is thought that this acidification occurred gradually, over a period of up to 30 my (Ibid.).  Calcifying organisms had not evolved during this time so it is hard to tell the impacts the acidification had on ocean biology and also how long the acidification lasted (Kump et al. 2009).

Several studies have looked back over the last 500my and reinforce the fact that ocean acidification played a major role in 5 mass extinctions, suggesting that the current ocean acidification event could contribute to the 6th mass extinction.  It is clear that ocean pH has varied hugely in the past, with some acidification events being far more extreme than what we are currently experiencing.  This could suggest that the current acidification is part of a long term trend; however the rate of change suggests that humans are playing a significant role.

Doney, S. Fabry, V. Feely, R. Kleypas, J. (2009). ‘Ocean Acidification: the other CO2 problem’, Annu. Rev. Marine. Sci., 1, 168-192.
Goodwin, P. Williams, R. Ridgwell, A. Follows, M. (2009). ‘Climate sensitivity to thecarbon cycle modulated by past and future changesin ocean chemistry’, Nature Geoscience, 2,145–150.
Hautmann, M. Benton, M. Tomasovych, A. (2008) ‘ Catastrophic ocean acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.’, Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaontol. Abhand. 249,  119–127.
Le Hir, G. Ramstein, G. Donnadieu, Y. Goddéris, Y. (2008). ‘Scenario for the evolution of atmospheric pCO2 during a snowball Earth’, Geology, 36,47–50.
Kump, L. Bralower, T. Ridgwell, A. (2009) ‘Ocean acidification in deep time’, Oceanography, 22, 4, 94- 107.
Palfy, J. (2003). ‘Volcanism of the Central Atlantic MagmaticProvince as a potential driving force in the end-Triassic extinction’, Geophysical Monograph, 136:255-267.
Pelejero, C. Calvo, E. Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2010). ‘Paleo-perspectives on ocean acidification’, Trends in ecology and evolution, 25, 6, 332-344.
van de Schootbrugge, B. Tremolada, F. Rosenthal, Y. Bailey, T. (2007) ‘End-Triassic calcification crisis and blooms of organic-walled ‘disaster species’’, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 244, 126–141.
Zachos J. Dickens G. Zeebe R. (2008) ‘An early Cenozoic perspective on greenhouse warming and carbon-cycle dynamics’, Nature, 451, 279–283.

Monday 10 October 2011

What is ocean acidification?

Changes in Ocean Chemistry

Increased levels of atmospheric COis having two serious impacts on the earth, the first is the well known phenomenon of global warming and the second is the subject of this blog- ocean acidification.  For over 650 000 years prior to the industrial revolution the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was somewhere between 180 and 300ppmv (Siegenthaler et al. 2005).  Due to an increase in anthropogenic emissions, mainly through fossil fuel burning, the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are now between 380 and 390ppmv resulting in a rate of change that is almost 100 times faster than anything the earth has experienced over the last 650kyr (IPCC, 2007).

Over the last 200 years the oceans have absorbed approximately 1/3 (11bn tonnes) of all the carbon dioxide that has been released into the atmosphere (Sabine et al. 2004). Dissolved organic carbon occurs in the ocean in 3 different forms- bicarbonate ions, aqueous carbon dioxide (including carbonic acid) and carbonate ions (Fabry et al. 2008).  The current pH of the ocean is 8.2 and 88% of the carbon occurs as bicarbonate ions.  Carbon dioxide dissolves in the sea water and forms carbonic acid which quickly dissociates to form Hand HCO3- . The H+ may react with CO32- to form bicarbonate.   This means that by adding CO2 to the ocean we are increasing the amount of H2CO3, H+ and HCO3- and as an increase in the concentration of H+ ions causes pH to fall we are making the oceans more and more acidic (Ibid.).     Since the pre industrial times the ocean pH has fallen by 0.1, which has caused a 30% increase in acidity (Boyd, 2011).  Over the next century it is believed that the pH will fall by approximately 0.5 units, making the oceans more acidic than they have been over the past 30 million years (Calderia and Wickett, 2003). If the change in CO2 is gradual a buffer system operates and so, interactions with carbonate minerals increase which helps to reduce the sensitivity of the ocean and stabilises the pH (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003).  If the change in CO2 occurs over a short timescale (less than 104 years) the oceans don’t have time to shift their equilibrium and so, the pH is altered.    The change in pH is most prominent towards the poles (i.e the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean) as more carbon dioxide is taken up at colder temperatures.

Boyd, P. (2011). ‘Beyond ocean acidification’, Nature Geoscience, 4: 273-274.
Calderia, K. and Wickett, M. (2003). ‘Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH’, Nature, 425: 365.
Fabry, V. Seibel, B. Feely, R. Orr, J. (2008). ‘Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes’, Journal of marine science, 65, 3: 414-432
Sabine, C. Feely, R. Gruber, N. Key, R. Lee, K. Bullister, L. Wanninkhof, R. Wong, C. Wallace, D. Tilbrook, B. Millero, F. (2004). ‘The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2’, Science, 305, 5682: 367-371.
Siegenthaler, U. Stocker, T. Monnin, E. Luethi, D. Schwander, J. Stauffer, B. Raynaud, D. (2005). ‘Stable carbon cycle-climate relationship during the late Pleistocene’, Science, 310: 1313– 1317.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Welcome to my blog! Over the next few weeks i hope to explain what ocean acidification is, why it's a problem and how we can try to combat it.  To start off i found this video clip which gives a very basic overview of the issue. Enjoy!